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Access the most comprehensive databases on all available anchor based minimal important difference (MID)s for instruments measuring patient-reported outcome across all therapeutic areas.

Having access to this will help you to interpret the patient-reported outcomes.

Patient-reported outcome (PRO)s

  • PRO refers to any report on the status of a patient's health condition that comes directly from the patient

  • PRO is essential in designing studies, evaluating interventions, educating consumers, and informing health policy makers involved with regulatory, reimbursement, and advisory agencies

  • The Interpretation of PRO remains challenging

Minimal Important Difference (MID)

  • MID refers to the Smallest change in a PRO that is considered as important by patients

  • MIDs facilitate the interpretation of PROs

  • Anchor-based MID inventory available

Are we ready to use MID?

  • MIDs are sometimes difficult to find (unstandardized nomenclature)

  • Need large resources to obtain the whole picture (Systematic Review)

  • MID has a substantial variability in the methodology and interpretation

  • MID might be different for PROs across different clinical conditions


Search Engine for MID across all PROs

You will be able to search MIDs across all therapeutic areas using below filter:
-Clinical condition
-Clinical area
-Geographical region
-Analytical method
-Year of publication

MID Interactive Display Tool

Interactive designs show all PROs and MIDs available for a given condition along with all credibilities of included MIDs

Specific info on MID development

For each PRO, health related quality of life measurement tool, and MID development process, we provide references, additional details on population, country, interventions, credibility assessment per domain

Interpret the PRO using MID

After the very MID fits your need is identified, users can be redirected to a PRO score interpretation aid;


MID can be used to assist in the interpretation of meta-analysis of a particular PRO when using our ”MID meta-analytic tool”

The product is still developing

Contact us if you cannot find the function you need!


MID improve patient-centered care across multiple stakeholders on various processes. See how each stakeholder can benefit from this onslaught of information.

government office

Government and
Regulatory agencies

MID helps government setting up the standard and interpret PROs more accurately for drug approval and drug reimbursement.

Woman & Doctor

Medical Associations

MID can be used in clinical practice guidelines to formulate recommendations for clinicians with a more patient centered approach;

MID can be used by member clinicians explaining treatment options to patients at point of care.

Young Doctor

Health Researchers & Individual Clinicians

MID helps clinicians and/or researchers to better interpret PROs and being able to design outcome measurements and calculate sample size for randomized controlled trials;


MID also helps clinicians to better communicate with patients during the share decision making process for different interventions. 

Pregnant Woman Practicing Yoga


MID helps patients understanding better how much medications, surgeries, or other therapy could improve their conditions to make a better decision for their therapeutic choices.

Vitamins and pills

Pharmaceutical Companies

MID enhance the interpretation of beneficial effect on interventions on PRO with a more patient-centered focus;


Such interpretation would significant help both drug approval and the reimbursement in the product life cycle.


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